

Award winning Australian guitarist Greg O’Rourke received his Bachelor Of Music Honours degree in 2006, and was a scholarship holder at the Australian National University School Of Music.

Originally a trained classical guitarist, Greg’s main speciality is now in jazz guitar. Greg’s versatile ability on the guitar is credit to several teachers he has studied with over the years, including Mike Price and Don Andrews, well known performers and teachers in the Australian jazz guitar scene, as well as more recently studying with internationally acclaimed jazz guitarist and teacher Matt Warnock. Greg also undertook extensive study with Tim Kain, one of Australia’s leading classical guitar performers and teachers.

Greg has given prizewinning performances at the Australian National University Chamber Music Competition, and was awarded 1st prize in the Chamber Music division of the 2004 Australian International Guitar Competition.

Greg currently enjoys a busy career, comprising of teaching, performing and collaborations with other Australian artists, as well as running his online jazz guitar lesson website

Greg O’Rourke

BMus (Hons), ANU


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